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Can I actually code

Can I actually code? I have been asking myself this question for quite a long time. Sure I can string together lines of code, I can build something that works, at least to some degree, but can I actually code?

I have had a pretty interesting journey career wise, throughout each transition one common theme was that I loved building side projects that I sometimes would either attempt to or convert into side hustles. Relocating to the US was an opportunity for me to pursue a career that best aligned with what I spent a good chunk of my time either thinking about or doing, so becoming a Full Stack Developer.

However, my lack of success with coding interviews has left me genuinely confused. If I can code why do I suck at technical interviews? How do you know you can code when companies whose very survival is premised on finding and hiring talent that can realistically add value or at the very least, have the potential to do so (this is what capitalism is right?) reject you constantly in technical interviews?

I have read multiple articles about how technical interviews are broken and how the skills being tested don’t always match the skills actually required on the job. I get it, but rationally this is hard to accept for multiple reasons. Accepting this to me seems tantamount to making excuses, where do you draw the line between ‘interviews are broken’ and ‘I am clearly not good enough and need to do better’. The former will lead me to a path of constant self-improvement, while the latter just feels pointless.

I understand the subjectivity of the interview process. Realistically, we are in a very harsh market with a lot of economic uncertainty. I have gained enough life experience and encountered enough of what problems life can throw at me to understand not to take rejection personally. When you try and join the Olympics and continually lose every race you run, no amount of self-deceit will make you an Olympic runner.

I would appreciate feedback from anyone keen to help out, please critique my code/portfolio/projects as much as you can, nitpick them with wanton abandon if you so wish, any feedback would be appreciated:

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